
國立台灣大學范育馨、徐璟承Learning in 21st Century 
靜宜大學蔡瑞容Subculture Difference between US and Taiwan Colleges
國立高雄科技大學吳冠臻Fresh Delivery
國立屏東科技大學劉芷含Food Culture and Exchange between Taiwan and the U.S.
國立屏東科技大學蔡佳伶How Taiwan and U.S. get through Covid-19 together
國立屏東科技大學江涵溱Cultural Exchanges on Food and Cuisine 
國立聯合大學鄭瀚、陳佳怡The Different Style from Costco and PX Mart
國立屏東科技大學歐陽慶輝Protect Our Planet Together
元智大學翁偉翔A Health Insurance System praised by the World
亞洲大學馮沅琪Role of the Telemedicine  in Covid 19 at Taiwan: The Good and What’s to Update
國立臺北商業大學鍾摯恩A Brighter  Future Together-A Better Startup for Youth
國立中山大學虞可威The Original Equipment Manufacture in Taiwan and the Cooperation with US
國立中山大學李婕、林依嫻The Difference of Educating and Cultures in the US and Taiwan
國立中山大學陳鴻笙Learning from Each Other on Transportation
國立清華大學沈棠威、張皓US and Taiwan : Learning from Each Other
國立屏東科技大學黃柏翰Development of Agricultural Cooperation between Taiwan and United States
國立屏東科技大學徐斌傑Two Countries, One Heart: Taiwan and America Partner in Fight for Covid-19