
嶺東科技大學林育騰Taiwan and the USA : A Future of Health and Freedom
朝陽科技大學簡甄儀Surprise! American Hamburger’s Sibling Found in Taiwan
實踐大學韓柏昕The United States and Taiwan: Learning from Each Other
朝陽科技大學張振偉Taiwan and America Cultural Differences
國立澎湖科技大學王維聰The Impact of Culinary Cultural Differences on Exotic Cuisines
元智大學李和璇Taiwan as a Bilingual Country and the Cultural Enrichment
南台科技大學劉佩柔Manufacturing a Taiwan and U.S. Semiconductor Partnership
輔英科技大學陳妤婕Police Killings
國立中正大學高俊偉Covid19 : A Teamwork for US and Taiwan
銘傳大學劉芳旻Intergration and Mutual Learning in Education between Taiwan and US
國立臺北科技大學陳昱楷US and Taiwan: How to Combat Covid-19
國立嘉義大學黃心筠Cultural Exchange
文藻外語大學黃淨蓮Hand in hand, the United States and Taiwan Learning from Each Other in terms of Different Education
實踐大學陳秉鋐The United States and Taiwan: Learning from Each Other
輔英科技大學陳麒文MLB v.s. CPBL