
比賽分為大專組–非英語相關科系、大專組–英語相關科系、高中組,共三組分別進行。大專組競賽主題為「U.S. and Taiwan: Learning from Each Other」,大專組為英文演講比賽。高中組則為個人英文詩歌朗誦比賽。每組均聘請三位中外籍專家學者以及美國在台協會官員擔任評審,就參賽隊伍英語演講內容、英語表達能力與儀態做講評。為鼓勵各校學生踴躍參加,除優勝者頒發獎狀及獎金外,入圍決賽者均製頒參賽證明,並製發感謝函予帶隊指導教師。



「U.S. and Taiwan: Learning from Each Other」:主要探討焦點為美國與台灣的情誼基礎與彼此相互學習成長,深究台美關係文化脈絡的種種因素。探索面向可為:文化、文學、藝術、飲食、休閒、運動、教育、科技、政治、經濟、時尚潮流、外交政策、環境生態、旅遊、電影、音樂、電視等傳播媒體等。









※ 入圍決賽者,決賽題目需與初賽題目相同(詩歌亦是),且不可更換參賽名單


  1. 報告時間:每組7分鐘、評審問答3分鐘。

    6 分鐘


    剩下 1 分鐘

    6 分 30 秒


    剩下 30 秒

    7 分鐘



    7 分 30 秒



    演講時間未滿  5 分 30 秒     扣總分 2 分

    演講時間超過  7 分 30 秒     扣總分 2 分


      1 分鐘



  2. 主題:配合本競賽主題,自行擬定題目,自由發揮演講內容。
  3. 每位參賽者皆需上台報告,非參賽者不可參與協助比賽過程。
  4. 比賽過程得使用簡報進行輔助,但不得攜帶講稿上台,違者將酌情扣總分 1~3 。。
  5. 若有引用文獻,請註明詳細出處及參考資料。※未註明出處,扣總分 1 分。
  6. 初賽影片繳交格式須能以Windows Media Player播放。
  7. 簡報內容格式以PowerPoint方式製作(請使用Microsoft PowerPoint可開啟之版本)並以英文發表。
  8. 比賽當天請著正式服裝,但不得穿著學校制服或系服。


語言表達能力(發音、語調、流暢度、準確性、評審問答表現等) 40%
演講內容(切題度、創意性、組織結構) 40%
台風(組員協調、肢體語言、服裝、儀態 20%

※ 遇有同分情形時,以(1)語言表達能力(2)演講內容的得分高低順序決定名次。



  1. 演講時間:每組5分鐘、評審問答3分鐘。



    剩下 1 分鐘

    4分 30 秒


    剩下 30 秒




    5 分 30 秒



    演講時間未滿  3 分 30 秒     扣總分 2 分

    演講時間超過  5 分 30 秒     扣總分 2 分





  2. 主題:配合本競賽主題,自行擬定題目,自由發揮演講內容。
  3. 比賽過程不得攜帶講稿上台。
  4. 初賽影片繳交格式須能以Windows Media Player播放。
  5. 比賽當天請著正式服裝,但不得穿著學校制服或系服。


語言表達能力(發音、語調、流暢度、準確性、評審問答表現等) 40%
演講內容(切題度、創意性、組織結構) 40%
台風(組員協調、肢體語言、服裝、儀態) 20%

※ 遇有同分情形時,以(1)語言表達能力(2)演講內容的得分高低順序決定名次。


  1. 朗誦時間(含詩歌簡介/賞析):每組6分鐘、評審問答3分鐘。



    剩下 1 分鐘

    5分 30 秒


    剩下 30 秒

    6 分鐘



    6 分 30 秒



    演講時間未滿 4分 30 秒     扣總分  2  分

    演講時間超過 6 分 30 秒    扣總分  2  分


      1 分鐘


      2 分鐘

  2. 主題:自主辦單位列出的10首詩歌擇一。※決賽朗誦題目需與初賽朗誦題目相同。
  3. 比賽過程不得攜帶講稿上台。
  4. 初賽影片繳交格式須能以Windows Media Player播放。
  5. 比賽當天請著正式服裝,但不得穿著學校制服或系服。


語言表達能力(發音、語調、流暢度等) 40%
理解力(表達方式、評審問答表現等) 40%
台風儀態(肢體語言、服裝、儀態 20%

※ 遇有同分情形時,以(1) 語言表達能力(2)詩歌理解力的得分高低順序決定名次。



The contest is divided into three groups: 

1.     College level, non-English majors, working in teams or as individuals to present on the topic, “U.S. and Taiwan: Learning from Each Other.”

2.     College level, English majors, working as individuals to present on the topic, “U.S. and Taiwan: Learning from Each Other.”

3.     High school level students, working as individuals to recite and share their interpretations of selected English poems.

Contestants will be judged based on their presentation content, English fluency, and deportment, with the winners receiving awards and prizes. To encourage student participation and to express the organizers’ appreciation for the contestants’ instructors, all finalists will receive certificates of participation, and all instructors will receive letters of appreciation.

College English Presentation: “U.S. and Taiwan: Learning from Each Other

        Geographically, the US and Taiwan are far apart, but in other respects they are very close. This because the two have paid careful attention to each other and learned from each other. There is a mutual sympathy between the two and that has made mutual exchange in practices and ideas a constant in the relationship. In matters of politics the U.S. has been a huge influence on how Taiwan operates: the ideas of the American Revolution–democracy, freedom, individual rights–that shaped the U.S. in the second half of the eighteenth century helped shape Taiwan in the second half of the twentieth century. And as Taiwan came into its own as a prosperous society, it offered the U.S. much to admire and learn from. Taiwan set up and managed health care for all citizens, developed a high-tech industry that is the envy of the world, and is far ahead in developing green transportation solutions such as electric scooters. In these an many other aspects—popular culture, education, food, arts, and many others—the U.S. and Taiwan are engaged in a continuous and mutually beneficial process of learning from each other.

The College English Presentation for non-English majors will consist of brief presentation for teams of one or two students. Power Point or other visual aids may be used if desired. The College English Presentation for English majors will consist of prepared remarks by individual students, with no visual aids, followed by a follow-up discussion with the panel of judges.

High School Poetry Recitation:

For the High School Poetry Recitation, contestants will choose and recite a poem from a collection of 10 American or British poems selected by the contest organizers. These poems are of comparable lengths and degrees of difficulty; contestants will be judged based on their understanding of the poem and their ability to interpret it in an engaging manner. Before contestants begin reciting, they will be asked to introduce their chosen poem by explaining its context, meaning, and personal appeal. 

The High School Poetry Recitation is an activity for individual students. Contestants may not use audio-visual aids. 

Preliminary Phase

In the preliminary phase, a three-minute video (for high school participants, an individual recitation of an English poem; for non-English major college students, a short English speech; for English major college students, an individual speech) must be sent to the combined organizers, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature and English Teaching Center at National Sun Yat-sen University via post by the indicated deadline. Applicants for the college-level contests determine their own presentation titles, the contents of which must be relevant to the contest theme. Applicants for the high school poetry recitation must choose a poem from the selection provided. The scoring criteria of the preliminary phase are the same as those of the final (see below). 15 teams/persons in each respective group will be selected for the final. 

The three-minute video must be recorded in one-shot without any form of post-production, such as film-editing, background music, narration, or subtitles. The use of a microphone is forbidden, so please pay heed to the quality and volume of voice recording. The competition participants should dress formally. Wearing uniforms is not permitted. 

Final Phase

The competition title/chosen poem for the final phase must be identical to the one used in the preliminary application phase. The contestants selected as finalists must be the ones who applied in the preliminaries. 

College Group

· Non-English Majors

1) Presentation time: 10 minutes in total (7 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for Q&A).

2) Participants decide their own topics and presentation content, both of which must be relevant to the contest theme.

3) All participating team members must present; non-contestants may not participate in or assist during the competition.

4) Visual aids such as PowerPoint and props are allowed, but notes or scripts are prohibited.

5) Quoted sources must be cited appropriately.

6) Videos for the preliminary round must be playable on Windows Media Player.

7) Presentation files must be in English, and saved in PowerPoint for Windows Office.

8) Please dress formally. Wearing uniforms is not permitted.


1) English speech skills and expression (pronunciation, intonation, fluency, accuracy, Q&A performance, etc.): 40%


Content of presentation (relevance, creativity, structure, visual design): 40%

3) Performance (coordination of members, body language, costume, deportment): 20%

※ If two groups receive the same score, their rankings will be determined by their respective scores in (1) English speech skills & expression and (2) the content of their respective presentations.


  • English Majors

1) Presentation time: 8 minutes in total (5 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for Q&A).

2) Participants decide their own topics and presentation content, both of which must be relevant to the contest theme.

3) Notes or scripts are prohibited.

4) Videos for the preliminary round must be playable on Windows Media Player.

5) Please dress formally. Wearing uniforms is not permitted.


1) English speech skills and expression (pronunciation, intonation, fluency, accuracy, Q&A performance, etc.): 40%

2) Content of presentation (relevance, creativity, structure, visual design): 40%

3) Performance (coordination of members, body language, costume, deportment): 20%

※ If two groups receive the same score, their rankings will be determined by their respective scores in (1) English speech skills & expression and (2) the content of their respective presentations.

High School Group: English Poetry Recitation

1) Recitation time: 9 minutes in total (6 minutes to recite, 3 minutes for Q&A)

2) Participants select a poem from the collection provided.

3) The use of audio-visual aids is not allowed. Notes or scripts are prohibited.

4) Videos for the preliminary round must be playable on Windows Media Player.

5) Please dress formally. Wearing uniforms is not permitted.


1) English expressive abilities (pronunciation, intonation, fluency, accuracy, etc.): 40%

2) Understanding of the poem as evidenced by introduction and recitation: 40%

3) Performance (body language, deportment): 20%

※If two groups receive the same score, the ranking will be determined by the higher scores of (1) English expressive abilities and (2) understanding of the poem.