

台美往來交流頻繁,舉凡語言、飲食、政治、教育、流行文化均有相當程度的交互影響,加上近年來國人赴美免簽政策實施,大大增進台美人民的文化交流機會。在全球化速度漸增的大環境下,學生英文能力之養成將提升學生未來在職場上的競爭力與發展,且其對於全球共通語言的熟稔亦將助益台灣及美國人民間的溝通。為培養學生英文表達組織能力、提供學生一個交流觀摩平台並增加本校能見度,本校特從2013年起舉辦本競賽。2013到2015年以「從台灣觀點看美國/The United States of America, as Viewed from Taiwan」為題; 2016年的演講主題為「美國與台灣的文化對話/ Cultural Dialogue between The United States and Taiwan」; 2017的演講主題為「文化交流:圍牆與橋樑/ Cultural Interchange: Walls and Bridges」。期望透過這些主題鼓勵學生探討台美文化交流的多元層面以及文化差異並相互欣賞與包容。2018為慶祝台美關係邁向40周年,特訂主題為「美國與台灣:立穩根基.共創未來/ U.S. and Taiwan: Strong Foundation-Bright Future」,呼應美國在臺協會於2018年舉辦的回顧展與系列活動,鼓勵學生探究台美關係的歷史脈絡與未來發展,以增進台美文化交流與合作情誼。2019年演講主題為U.S. and Taiwan: Our Future Environment」延續前一年主題,探討面向為鼓勵學生關注「環境」層面的問題,關注台灣與美國對於「環境」的看法。2020年則訂定「U.S. and Taiwan: Learning From Each Other」,期許透過互相學習,了解彼此文化與差異,包容並蓄,強化台美關係。



Taiwan and the United States of America are connected by shared values and by a shared interest in each other’s language, food, politics, education, and popular culture. The implementation of visa-free travel to the United States has further increased opportunities for mutual cultural exchange. In the context of ever-increasing globalization, Taiwanese students who can express themselves well in English gain increased global awareness, as well as a considerable competitive advantage in the job market. 

To further opportunities for cultural exchange, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of National Sun Yat-sen University has since 2013 organized an annual English Speech Competition. The theme for the first three years’ competitions was “The United States of America, as Viewed from Taiwan”; the 2016 theme was “Cultural Dialogue between the United States and Taiwan”; the 2017 theme was “Cultural Interchange: Walls and Bridges”; the 2018 theme was “U.S. and Taiwan: Strong Foundation-Bright Future.” These themes have worked successfully as bases for discussion where students could share their own observations on the cultural relationship between the United States and Taiwan. The competitions have been very successful, with higher numbers of students participating each year and overwhelmingly positive feedback. We expect this to be the case for the upcoming 2020 competition as well. In 2019, we have selected the theme, “U.S. and Taiwan: Our Future Environment.” Students are encouraged to focus on a specific aspect of “environment” and bring thoughtful attention to it with an eye to how the US and Taiwan may be like or unlike in their approaches or ways of thinking. In 2020, “U.S. and Taiwan: Learning from Each Other” will be the topic. We hope to learn from each other, understand cultures and differences, be inclusive, share our insights, and strengthen the relationship between the United State and Taiwan. Through participation in this competition, students will have the opportunity to develop a more global perspective, to cultivate their composure and public speaking skills, and to improve their command of English.

Since 2017, we have opened a new division in the competition, for undergraduate English language majors. Moreover, the high school group will be working as individuals to recite and share their interpretations of selected English poems. In this more rigorous competition, these students will refine English presentation skills that will help them prepare for professional work in English.