

1)   參賽者的報名資格如有爭議,將由主辦單位全權評定。

2)   主辦單位保留修改活動之權利,任何變動將於競賽官網另行公布。 

3)   參賽者須保證對其演講內容擁有完整智慧財產權, 嚴禁攜帶他人作品抄襲仿冒;如有抄襲情事,主辦單位有權取消參賽者得獎資格與獎勵金。

4)   參賽者須擔保演講內容之合法性且未侵害他人權利,不可違背公序良俗或挑起社會對立;倘若發生爭議,須自負相關責任。

5)   優勝者或優勝隊伍的競賽影片將於競賽結束放至相關活動網頁上供大眾點閱,作為未來參賽者準備賽事之參考。參賽者須同意無償授權主辦單位使用競賽影片,包含公開展示、上傳數位平台及任何形式的對外推廣,以達互相觀摩、交流學習之效。

6)   報名資料與參賽檔案均由主辦單位留存,不予歸還,敬請參賽者先行備份。

7)   本競賽辦法如有不足或爭議之處,主辦單位保留解釋與刪修權利。

Notice for Contestants

1. The Organizers have full discretion to resolve any controversies regarding the contestant’s eligibility.

2. The Organizers reserve the right to modify any details regarding the contest. Any alterations will be announced on the official website. 

3. The contestant must guarantee his or her full intellectual property right to the speech content. Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Acts of plagiarism will lead to disqualifications of award. 

4. The contestant must guarantee the validity of speech content without the violation of others’ rights. Any disturbing content involving violence or social conflicts is prohibited. 

5. The winner or winning team’s performance during the contest will be recorded and uploaded to related official websites for the public’s reference. The contestant has to authorize the Organizers to use the videos for free, including public display, online exhibition on digital platforms, or any outreach methods, for the sake of emulation and academic interchange. 

6. Materials and files sent in will not be returned. Please copy all files prior to submitting them.

7. The Organizers reserve the right of making final decisions and adjustments for any defects or disputes.